Call us today at (617) 332-3344 or contact us online to request an inspection and estimate for pest control services.
Custom Fit. Guaranteed.
Exclusion Services
Lower Armor Shield
Custom Solutions for Any Pest Problem
Pest activity inside your home can represent an opportunity to find areas on the outside that can be permanently sealed, keeping those pests out for good. Many critters only need a small opening to invite themselves into your home. Pestex’s Lower Armor Shield is designed to be a permanent, chemical free, solution to pests and wildlife entering into your house through gaps along the ridge where your home sits on the foundation. The Lower Armor Shield primarily defends against mice, rats, skunks, raccoons, and opossums.
Expert Pest Prevention from First-Story Windows to Ground Level
Our team of specialists are excellent at spotting every opportunity for pests to enter your home. The Lower Armor Shield seals from the first story windows down to the ground. Using a combination of custom bent and colored sheet metal, elastomeric silicone, and hardware cloth, our team targets every opportunity to seal your home and keep nuisance wildlife out for good.
Lower Armor Shield Add-Ons
- Burrow Barriers
- Door Sweep Installation
- Pestex Lower Armor Shield Warranty
Before Armor Shield

After Armor Shield
Burrow Barriers
Burrowing animals such as woodchucks, rats, or skunks can make a home for themselves under your house if left unprotected. Pestex’s Burrow Barrier System protects under your deck, porch, shed, and other low clearance areas around your home from burrowing animals. Our exclusion team uses a combination of trenching and hardware cloth to prevent nuisance wildlife and rodents from digging under these structures. See some of our Burrow Barrier exclusion work by clicking here
*Please note that Burrow Barriers cannot be installed during the Winter months when the ground is frozen.
Door Sweep Installation
Rodents and wildlife can enter your home a variety of ways – including right through your front door! A tight seal along the bottom of a door frame is imperative to keep out unwanted pests. Pestex offers installation services for residential door sweeps. as well as services for residential and commercial garage door sweeps. Your doors will be measured by one of our team experts, who will then cut the sweeps to perfectly fit your door frame, eliminating any gaps critters may enter through.
Pestex Upper Armor Shield Warranty
The Pestex Armor Shield Warranty protects against reentry of the specific pests and rodents it is designed to exclude. Under this program, if at any time there is an issue with the material or installation, we will be out to inspect and solve the issue in our next available appointment. The warranty covers your Exclusion System in full for each year it is renewed.
** Warranty Included with an Annual Home System
Call (617) 332-3344 or send us a message.
Start Living a Pest-Free Life
Why Pestex?
We'll Keep it Simple!
Be the Best by Knowing the Most
Pest control is all about what you know. The most important tool you carry with you every day is your brain.
There is no ME in PESTEX
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction – lets make sure we are all rowing the boat in the same direction.
Can-Do Attitude – Attitude is Everything
Coming to the rescue, day in, and day out, requires the grit and fortitude of a Super Hero – the right Attitude.
The Best Ability is Availability
RELIABILITY MATTERS. Family, Work, Hobbies, Obligations – we all have it going on and coming at us from every angle.
Follow Up and Follow Through. Every. Single. Time.
We rely on our team of people to Follow Up and Follow Through.